The Relay For Life teams from Union Cty (GA), Towns Cty (GA) and Clay Cty (NC) are “coming together for the cause” in the ongoing fight against this disease we call cancer. On Saturday, April 19, 2008 our Relay teams will host the “Great American Gut-Bustingly Serious Display of Undiscovered Natural Talent Extravaganza” at the Georgia Mountain Fairground’s Anderson Music Hall.
Unlike any other fundraiser to date, this event will focus on extreme laughter and side splitting displays of totally outrageous fun! Featuring a hilarious variety show highlighting the inspired and often overlooked talents of eighteen local contestants, we’re determined to change the focus on cancer from one that produces fear to one that creates hope.
But we can’t do this without your help. With a goal of selling all 2900 seats at the Anderson Music Hall, we need the support of our communities to achieve what some have already told us cannot be done. With a team of Relay volunteers from all three counties, we’re relying on our neighbors to band together and prove that when we work together, anything can be accomplished. The cure for cancer is not a dream for us, it’s a reality that we are working towards everyday to achieve.
If you would like to be part of the cure with us, here’s how you can help:
1) VOLUNTEER -with an event like this, there are always things that need to get done. If you have a few minutes, a few hours or a few days, we’d love to have your help.
2) MAKE A DONATION-whether through services donated, items donated or a monetary donation, every little bit we save means the profits from our event go to help current cancer survivors, caregivers and researchers.
3) BUY A TICKET- with a Relay For Life Classic Car Show being held at the fairgrounds during the day and our “GAGS” Dinner and a Show fundraiser that night, there’ll be plenty for everyone to enjoy in Hiawassee on April 19th. If for some reason you cannot attend- buy a ticket for a friend or a neighbor or a stranger-it will be the gift they talk about for years to come!
Tickets for the show are $5.00 and can be purchased at the following locations:
Cadence Bank- Blairsville GA 706-745-5588
Tickets for the show are $5.00 and can be purchased at the following locations:
Cadence Bank- Blairsville GA 706-745-5588
Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds- Hiawassee GA 706-896-4191
Nantahala Bank - Hayesville NC 828-389-0700
Seasons Inn Blairsville GA 706-781-7388
4) SPREAD THE WORD- did we mention we want to fill up the music hall? Please pass this info on to anyone you know who can help.
This will be a night to remember. Though cancer has touched our lives in so many ways, we choose to focus on the blessings and not the curse. Please help us as we prove that cancer is only a temporary setback…we will not be beaten unless we give up and we ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to give up!
This will be a night to remember. Though cancer has touched our lives in so many ways, we choose to focus on the blessings and not the curse. Please help us as we prove that cancer is only a temporary setback…we will not be beaten unless we give up and we ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to give up!
Thank you in advance for your help and support. Together we will overcome!
Contact Colleen Urbaniuk for more details: 706-781-7388